It has been so long since I have updated this blog but I thought now would be the perfect time. We recently added a new sister to Kaiden's life....Danika Patrice! She was born August 5th at 2:01pm, she weighed 6lbs 4.5oz and is a bundle of joy. We could not be happier! Kaiden has a love/hate relationship with her at the moment. He loves to poke her in the eye and "pat" her back when she needs to be burped. But over all he loves her. We recently made a move to Lancaster, California and in the 6 months have managed to hate it so much! We have had to drive 2 hours to the Childrens Hospital in LA twice for Kaidens hydro problems and I do not feel comfortable at all driving that far in an emergency. We are now moving to Las Vegas next weekend.
I am so thankful that my husband was able to get us out of this terrible town and back with family. Kaiden and Danika need this so much and so do I! Kaiden will be going into preschool in January and we are now waiting for our IEP appointment. He is in need of speech and occupational therapy still, and also physical therapy. I just hope that he is going to qualify for those services through the school district, as I am ready to put up a fight if not. All in all Kaiden is a bundle of joy and we are ready to start a new adventure in Las Vegas!